The right way to start a plant-based diet


Going plant-based made easy


Have you decided that the time is right for you to switch to a plant-based diet?

Or maybe that you’d like to try it part-time?

Changing an important habit such as the way you eat can be quite challenging, so it’s important to start on the right foot to avoid failure and disappointment.

These 5 useful tips will help you change your lifestyle successfully and without stress.


1.     Choose the right goal for you…


First of all, remember that the diet change you want to introduce should suit YOU and YOUR needs.

Don’t compare yourself with others and don’t feel pressured to do something that would be unachievable or unrealistic for you in your circumstances.

Only you can decide what is the right goal for you.

If you want to start a new diet that is 100% plant-based, that’s great!

If you prefer to start with 1 meat-less day per week and see how you go, that’s great too.

To establish which goal best suits you, you should have clearly in mind:

1) what you want to achieve

2) and what realistically you think you can achieve

Setting an unrealistic objective will only stress you out and discourage you, so don’t be overly ambitious, this is not a competition.

Take it a step at a time and, when you are ready, move to the next step.


2.     … and adapt your strategy to your personality


Some people prefer to introduce changes drastically and immediately.

If you are this kind of person, then you just need to establish:

  • your goals
  • and your start date

However most people would feel overwhelmed by sudden, drastic changes and prefer to modify their habits more gradually.

If you have this kind of personality, then the best strategy for you is to:

  • decide what your goals are
  • establish the different steps required to get there (for example, start with 1 veg day / week, then increase to 2 etc)
  • decide the pace you feel is realistic for you (and the deadline for each step)
  • set your start date

The good strategy is the one that works for you, so don’t feel pressured to achieve too much right away as this will stress you out and demotivate you.

Keep in mind that negative emotions are the enemy of successful lifestyle changes… 😩

So, whatever strategy and goal you decide are right for you, be proud of yourself and enjoy the journey.



3.     Make a list of all the plant-based foods you can eat


One of the most common mistakes people make when they want to switch to a plant-based diet is to start by focusing on all the foods they’ll have to give up, and that makes them feel deprived and discouraged even before they start.

Not exactly the best mood to kick-start your new lifestyle, right?

A much more positive approach is to focus on all the exciting foods the new diet will help you discover or eat more often.

So, if you want to start on the right foot and boost your motivation, you should focus on how the new diet will bring abundance to your life rather than deprivation.

A good exercise is to prepare a list of all the foods you’ll discover – or eat more often – thanks to the new diet.

These are the main food groups to explore:



In the Pacific we’re spoiled for choice, so feel free to add to your list all the wonderful tropical fruits that come to mind.

And don’t forget that dried fruits are great options too, especially if you need a quick snack to bring with you to the office or to school.



Any type of vegetable is great: leafy greens, orange, red, white or purple-coloured veggies.

List all the ones that are common in your region, especially the ones you like, and you’ll see that you have plenty of options.


Nuts and seeds

List all the local nuts and seeds (such as beach almond, vutu/cut nut, peanuts or Ngali nuts) as well as the imported options you can find easily in your area.


Plant protein

If you think that plant-based diets include a limited number of high-protein foods, you’ll be surprised to discover all the options you can choose from.

Just to name a few: lentils, beans, chickpeas, peas, dhal, chickpea flour, tofu, tempeh, soy protein, falafel, missi roti etc

Anything else common in your region? Add it to the list!



High-carb foods

If you are one of the many people who love the Pacific starchy crops, I have good news for you: taro, kumala, yam and cassava should be on your list as they actually are very healthy foods (unless you eat them fried! 😄).

Whole grains such as brown rice, rolled oats, barley and whole meal flour are very good too.

I’m sure that by now you must have dozens of foods on your list, so let’s move to the next tip.


4.     Start at home

The best place to start your new plant-based diet is at home, as it’s an environment that you can completely control. Introducing a diet change in social and professional situations or during family gatherings can be a bit more delicate, so you should not start during these occasions.

After you have successfully changed your diet at home, you can move to the next step: ordering plant-based meals at the restaurant.

To make your life easier, whenever you go out with friends or family, make sure you are involved in the choice of the restaurant. This will help you ensure that there will be good plant-based options for you.

Eating plant-based meals at professional and family gatherings can be a bit trickier, so leave these occasions for later, when you are ready to go fully plant-based (if this is your goal).


5.     Find a health buddy

Introducing a new dietary habit is always easier when you have someone you can share the experience with.

The best option is to have your entire family on board as this will make your meals logistically (and emotionally) much easier.

However, if this is not possible, you can always find someone else to share the journey with. Friends or relatives with similar health goals will be perfect to get emotional support and create healthy challenges that will keep you all motivated.

You could also check online if in your area there is a vegan or plant-based community that you could join. In many cities nowadays there are groups of people organising plant-based events open to anyone who wants to join the community and share some great food. This could be a good option for you.

If you are in Fiji, these groups may be interesting for you:

👉 VegFest Fiji

👉 CHIP Programme



Ready to experiment in the kitchen?


Once you have decided what your goals and pace are and you have found some health buddies, you are ready to go. 🏃‍♂️

One last step: find your favourite plant-based recipes and have fun in the kitchen!

If you are looking for inspiration on how to create some delicious plant-based meals with Pacific ingredients, check out our healthy recipes here


And if you’re ready to go a step further, get in touch for your personal nutrition session
